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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Black and White

Sometimes life can produce decisions before us that are as clear as black and white and we have gut instincts of what we must do. Those decisions can pose easy roads or hard roads ahead but either way, when you know you've made the right decision - life is fuller.


I was in my second year of college going into my third and I was not enjoying my major. This is nothing new to most who go into college with no clue what they really want to do. I wanted to "take a break" and perhaps return a year later with a different major. While working on the infamous river-the Nantahala with a bunch of fantastic friends I couldn't imagine any better education or life than being a river rat. So, I made a 9 hour drive down to the gulf with a good friend, Derrick, to see my parents... I was so bold and head strong that my determination was to TELL my parents that I was quitting school. Derrick smirked the whole way - as he has a PHD and is now a family counselor.

In his most gentle way, my sweet wonderful father sat with me on our front porch swing. He listened intently to all my grand ideas and what I wanted to do! Then, basically said - "that is wonderful honey, if that is what you want to do - BUT - if you do quit school, you will immediately be handed all your bills that I currently pay for & the vehicle that I was planning on getting you will remain with it's current owner."

Obviously, my tune of heartstrings changed very fast. I remained in school and not only did I finish with honors but was provided the privilege to travel overseas with our Navy and complete an internship on a NATO base.

That is one of my black and white stories.

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