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Monday, December 6, 2010

Mother Daughter 2011

Blue Grass

This is a piece I sold at "Christmas on the River" but it is the beginning of a new series I will be doing called Blue Grass. I'll probably be having a show in the Spring, so be on the lookout. All pieces will be on board, most, if not all will be landscape pieces and available at under $150. This piece sold for under $100. (Thanks Debbie & Joe!) I'm thrilled about doing them. They will include media such as plaster and dye with a hint of oil for final touches. If you would like specific orders with specific colors please feel free to let me know about a commission piece.

Psalm 90
A prayer of Moses the man of God. Lord,
you have been our dwelling place
throughout all generations.
Before the mountains were born
or you brought forth the whole world,
from everlasting to everlasting you are God.
You turn people back to dust,
saying, “Return to dust, you mortals.”
A thousand years in your sight
are like a day that has just gone by,
or like a watch in the night.
Yet you sweep people away in the sleep of death—
they are like the new grass of the morning:
In the morning it springs up new,
but by evening it is dry and withered.
We are consumed by your anger
and terrified by your indignation.
You have set our iniquities before you,
our secret sins in the light of your presence.
All our days pass away under your wrath;
we finish our years with a moan.
Our days may come to seventy years,
or eighty, if our strength endures;
yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow,
for they quickly pass, and we fly away.
If only we knew the power of your anger!
Your wrath is as great as the fear that is your due.
Teach us to number our days,
that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
Relent, LORD! How long will it be?
Have compassion on your servants.
Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love,
that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.
Make us glad for as many days as you have afflicted us,
for as many years as we have seen trouble.
May your deeds be shown to your servants,
your splendor to their children.
May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us;
establish the work of our hands for us—
yes, establish the work of our hands.

Hearts for Hearing

Love can be hard to find, but when we do it just happens... the world begins to turn in a whole new direction!
It's nice to know we can rest assured on the love of Christ at all times!

John 3: 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

I have three adorable nieces. My prayer and hope for their lives is that they know this love above all else!

My name sake niece, Anna Correll, my sister's daughter... and I paint together quite often. We have since she was a small thing... she is still a small thing - who am I kidding! We have brilliant conversation about life, love and the pursuit of her happiness!!!! She does a fantastic job, always! Explaining to her how deep, wide and grand is the love of Jesus has been exciting. Recently, her mother shared the story that while she was picking up her toys she begged Jesus to come out of her heart and help her pick up all her toys... I can't fathom the conversation she must have been having with Jesus, what she was feeling, or what she is thinking at the age of 3 about who Jesus really is... but I know her little heart is tender and her desire to serve the Lord will one day be grand, as he has already started to pierce her heart!

Ella Baxter who is my other niece of about the same age, is just as adorable... I don't get to see Ella B as often and really have only met her a few times. Knowing her through pictures and stories from her parents... has kind of given me an ache to know her all the more! She is partially hearing impaired but this does not stop this tall beautiful thing though... She has this wild creative side with much determination!

My third niece is Evy, and I can't wait to meet her... time seems to be flying but I will get to see her within the next 30 days!

Anna Correll and I have been painting 2x2 boards for a few years now, she usually does this amazing background full of colors and nothingness... I kept wondering what we were going to do with all these boards! I was up late one night a couple of weeks ago and plastered love on this piece... AC added a few finishing touches, and of course the background which is built up, is all her!

So, this is the first of the Hearts for Hearing series... (it is sold)

Due to all the crazy stories my brother Baxter and Jerri have shared - hospitals, hearing aids; videos; books and tutoring... etc...
I consulted with my sister and we would like to start a non-profit for parents who have babies that are born with hearing problems... such as Ella had when she was born.
It took many doctors pulling together to diagnose what was going on with little Ella B, and many families don't have the resources Baxter & Jerri were provided! For this we are thankful... but they still plug along ... I think the funniest yet most devastating story I heard was recently, they could not find Ella B's hearing aid (one of them) and they kept asking her what she had done with it... They had been to Lowe's and searched everywhere between there, the car, the house, etc... Ella B finally told them that she gave it to Cinderella.
A day later she told them she put it in a cup.
The next day, Jerri found it in the dish disposal after it had been washed down the sink from her Cinderella sippy cup. It was a $6k hearing aid.
My heart prays for my brother and his wife on this journey... and for Ella Baxter... but at the same token... so does my sister Worth and her sweet daughter Anna Correll...
Anna Correll will tell you she prays for Ella B & Uncle Bax & Aunt Jer... and she would love for this to happen for Ella B.... but ultimately for Jesus!

All of AC Sash pieces for Hearts for Hearing
rage from $15 to $45 dollars
If you are interested in any of the pieces -

please feel free to call or email

Our goal is $500 by July 2011
we are at $35

Love Light

Many people ask me why I paint or create as I have been calling it, on board rather than canvas. This piece sold at my last show "Christmas on the River" and I am so thankful, but for the specific reason of this piece and it's bending, I don't create on canvas too often.
Most of my pieces have, through time, been soaked with products that need a lot of water.
Plaster for instance is one of my primary bases - rather than gesso - because of it's unique texture. It also holds dyes with a beautiful bleeding aspect & allows me to build. Paper is another, for instance, which has to also be soaked gently with dyed water and then sealed with a form of glue...
and then a little paint on top...
So you see... in the end...
Any kind of stretch canvas will continue to stretch and canvas on board with bend... which can be hard to sell at times, so I enjoy sticking to board which was my original base to begin with.
This is not to say that board will not bend! I have learned that kiltzing or sealing my board before hand predetermines the durability of the piece and how it will hold up for long periods of time - however... it does not provide an authentic look that I am often crave in my pieces.
This piece is one I really like, though. The base of the flower is barely seen, sometimes what our life portrays... and what is most focused on are the colors and form of the flower... what blooms... Matthew 5:16 is a great verse that would go with this piece... Let your light shine so that others may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in Heaven. There are great hints of gold in this flower which I often enjoy using but not so much to over power. That way with friendships & letting our love light shine! It's not our past... but what we have bloomin'!
I would like to thank Mrs. Campisi for her purchase! I truly hope you enjoy it in your office!

friends & family

this is a slideshow of my dear friends
i hope you enjoy as much
as i did photographing them!
not only are they a
beautiful family outside
but inside too!
for more information
on photography sessions
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