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Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Farm House

I've been going to Western North Carolina, for, well as long as I can remember but my parents tell me that my mother rafted the Nantahala River when she was pregnant with me... I don't doubt it. She seems like super woman, especially these days. The hills roll there, the mountains range to a point where you wonder if you are truly this... high, the colors are so blue... that your eyes will deceive you beyond all imagination because of the fog and the pines... But in the midst of it all, there are these valleys with beautiful farms... and old homes that seem invincable which reside on them for years and years. Just as you come over this one particular hill near Bryson City, headed towards the gorge where the Nantahala River is, there is this old farm house... with an amazing porch, a beautiful layout and a magnificent view of the mountains. I attempted to paint it at some point in time, while I lived in Birmingham. I had taken some photographs of it in black and white and used those as my point of focus. I used only white house paint, black dye and a muted green dye. Before I knew it, I loved what had come to be. It was a bit distorted but it was mine and no matter if that house went away, I will always remember it, and I will always have it because I painted it!

Having Faith, Believing

These two pieces would not be complete if they did not reside together. They are happy! I did them quite a while ago, and I remember the first go around they were each one large flower... and I wiped it off and loved the background it left me... so I created this spring like picture with sprouting flowers... they are a beautiful bright green... which can be dangerous... and a sweet ruby red grapefruit as the color for the flower! There is much texture to these and nothing about them says classic painting... it's done of glues and house paint with small bits of oils. It was one of the first times I really used oils... I fould they are bright and a little goes a long way! I thought for sure my Aunt Pam would want these but she has never said a word about them really, she always has a ridiculous amount of flowers growing in her yard and it kind of remind me her her and her silly joyful self... but it's also a fresh painting... reminds me anyone who needs a fresh start with a little encouragement... it can happen! Having faith... believing... as dad says. ;)

Pressing On

This piece resides in Mobile, AL with my friend Susan right now. I was happy to leave it with her. We were in college, working together waiting tables, and had no clue it would be about ten years before we would catch up again... but we did and this past year I was able to see she and her family a few times. They have a house in Gulf Shores, and she truly is a delightful friend I hope to hang on to till were old and silly!

This particular piece, went through many phases before it became what it is. The background is primarily shades of dye and the picture itself is dyed glues and textures with hints of gold all through the painting. There is one flower in the painting and it stands out. This painting is seen best in morning or evening light or perhaps under a black light. There is fabulous depth unseen to the natural eye. It reminds me of pressing on... in the fall, it's amazing how flowers still manage to bloom... and colors burst... just like in life... when we're down, Jesus gives us hope to press on for what is better... because he has great plans for us to prosper... not to harm us! ;) It's high grass, dead with a bloomin' flower in the midst! ;)

12Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. 13Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Phillipians 3:12-14